Textile Study Group

artists and tutors sharing ideas imagination and skills

Information and booking

Summer School 2013: Breaking Boundaries

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Harper Adams University College
Edgmond, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8NB
Monday 22 – Friday 26 July 2013

The Venue

Harper Adams is set in 600 acres of beautiful Shropshire countryside. The college is well served by major roads and is 40 minutes from Birmingham. The nearest railway station is Stafford (15 miles). The postcode is TF10 8NB.

More Details

The summer school begins at 2.00pm on Monday 22nd July and ends after lunch on Friday 26th July 2013.

Please note the bedrooms will be available from 12.30 on Monday but the studios will not be open until 1.00pm. All bedrooms must be vacated by 9.30am on the Friday morning.


Course fee, accommodation and full board £530.00

Non resident £430.00

Non residential students are reminded that the course includes dinner and workshops in the evenings.

If you are making a long journey, Bed and Breakfast for Sunday night can be arranged at extra cost through the booking secretary.

The course fee does not include lunch on Monday.

Other Information

Maps, travel instructions and your course requirements will be sent to you on receipt of the balance of your fee.

All electrical equipment brought to the college must have a current electrical safety certificate. You will be asked to sign an undertaking that this has been done.

For those receiving in-service grants from colleges, please send the Textile Study Group your course fee then claim back a refund from your college.

Please note: Course fee insurance is your responsibility.

The Textile Study Group reserves the right to limit the participation in the course of any student.

In the exceptional circumstances of a tutor being unavailable the Textile Study Group reserves the right to replace them with another Textile Study Group tutor.

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The booking form is available in PDF format to download and print. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the PDF file – you probably have it already so try downloading first. If the PDF doesn’t download you can either use our plain text form instead, or get the Reader free from Adobe’s website.