Textile Study Group

artists and tutors sharing ideas imagination and skills

Summer School 2011

Landscape of Life

textile textile textile

A residential summer school tutored by Textile Study Group members and open to everyone

Rosemary Campbell
Alison King
Bobby Britnell

Harper Adams University College
Edgmond, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8NB
Monday 25 – Friday 29 July 2011

Live dangerously! (Well, at least for the week!) This year the tutors offer you the opportunity of taking a journey of discovery, adventure and exploration. Each course will move from a structured, guided beginning to a point at which you follow your own imaginings. Choose to communicate and express feelings; locate and abstract an idea; or move from the familiar to create the exquisite. All these courses are firmly based in personal exploration and your response may offer a surprising result.