Textile Study Group

artists and tutors sharing ideas imagination and skills

Star Project Award


The Textile Study Group, a UK-based teaching and exhibiting group is delighted to be able to offer a biannual award of £1500 for a Star Project.

Be a Star!  Apply for this award to share your passion for contemporary textiles through leading a project for a group you know or would like to set up.  Many of us are changing the way we share our knowledge and skills, and we want to reach out to wider audiences.

A Star Project could take place online or in an informal setting such as a village or religious hall, library or community centre or gallery, school, college or adult education centre, or in an outdoor setting.

Applying for the award could enable you to research and develop ideas, source materials and equipment, and devise a learning experience which is inclusive  and creative.

Our selection of the Star Project for 2024 is complete. We would like to announce that Emma McGinn will receive the award for ‘Patchworking Motherhood’. Please visit our blog for more details.

Star Project Award 2026. The Textile Study Group invites you to read “Further Information” and encourages you to apply by 31 May 2026.  Further information and an application form can be found at these links.

Textile Study Group members can only be involved in an unpaid advisory capacity.


Application Form, Star Award 2026

Star Award 2026 Further Information 2026


The Award Committee.