Textile Study Group

artists and tutors sharing ideas imagination and skills

Sue Green

Artist statement

'You begin with the possibilities of the material.' Robert Rauschenberg

Creative play and experimental explorations are where the fun begins.......

My love of the overlooked, the discarded, the abandoned and the timeworn are qualities found in everyday materials at the heart of my practice. Carrying the language of a life lived, they 'listen', connecting us to the passing of time and elicit an intuitive response intrinsic in my work. It is a feeling that I am drawn to and a sensibility I strive for in my practice. The erosion of life, delicate weathering, layers of time and the memories imbued in the personal history of something tangible such as cloth and stitch, resonates deeply and is emotionally charged for me. Accidental and inherent marks created through the history and cultural context of an artefact, communicate their own narrative and this closeness and intimate connection to those who have gone before, particularly through the female ‘hand’, is what draws me in.
 My work often explores found objects and site-specific referencing. I enjoy walking and discovering ‘findings’ on location to inspire a series of work once back in the studio. With a genuine desire to build a sustainable future, a less damaging footprint is paramount, I am mindful of minimising waste and becoming less impactful as an artist, a slow stitcher and an advocate of reusing, recycling and treading lightly, is I believe, integral to my work.

Authenticity is also a big part of the value system I aspire to, the back story to an object fascinates me and I hope my work quietly draws the viewer into the narrative. A quietly subversive visual presence can speak more deeply on many levels. Textiles have the ability to nurture, protect and transform us, they are simultaneously inherently delicate and incredibly strong.

Most recently, in creative isolation, I have been experimenting with readily available found materials, exploring the characteristics of cardboard and the ephemera of post and packaging. This has also involved various correspondence projects, where the postal journey and reciprocal collaboration has had a significant bearing on the work, opening up new possibilities for future developments.


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