Gavin Fry PSG :: Jo Lamb
The Puzzle and the Jigsaw
We believe that every work begins as a puzzle and each element contributes to the jigsaw that makes a “picture” whole. The interaction between us enabled us to complete the puzzle pictures that we have made. The theme gave us the scope to tackle technical/visual challenges and the opportunity to explore how the finished form and the elements “fit” or not.
Jo Lamb: Artist’s Statement
I keep trying to learn how to use watercolour fluidly (usually I might as well be using gouache) so I went to a class where we were invited to make a number of rectangles to be treated with different techniques. For homework, we were told to finish the page “like a patchwork quilt”. It was then I had a disaster with the water pot! During the next three lessons, while the rest of the class conformed to the tutor’s requests, I covered my page with a strong design.
When Gavin asked me to partner him in a Creative Dialogue I thought this would give me the opportunity to sew my design. Although we have worked together before we have never worked separately on a single concept. We have written, telephoned and met to discuss our progress, swapping fabrics and threads. We have supported each other in times of doubt.
I am a very basic stitcher, I do not go for new techniques or perfection. I use several very simple stitches to realise my ideas but I am happy to dye, paint or colour fabric and thread. I like the contrast of matt and shiny and strive to bring balance to my compositions.
I am always excited when making work and I hope to learn something each time.
Gavin Fry: Artist’s Statement
This idea began as a puzzle of my emotions.
A flying figure shaped like a cage full of honey emerged and he began to move happily through the skies.
The title “I Know Where I’m Going” refers to the evolution of the work and to a film that’s special to me.
My dialogue with Jo proved, as ever, to be a terrific springboard and a supportive source of creative fuel.
I hope that the result is jubilant and ambiguous but does represent the meeting of like minds.
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