Textile Study Group

artists and tutors sharing ideas imagination and skills

Summer School 2017

Beyond the Line – Seeing and Stitching

textile textile textile

A residential summer school tutored by Textile Study Group members and open to everyone.

Jean Draper
Kay Greenlees
Julia Triston

Stoke Rochford Hall, Stoke Rochford, Grantham, Lincolnshire NG33 5EJ
Monday 24 – Thursday 27 July 2017

In the tranquil setting of this year’s Summer School you will be absorbed by recording, exploring and interpreting marks, lines and stitches.

There will be opportunities to extend your way of working and experiment with mixed media, 3D forms, textural effects, less familiar stitches and composition. Under the guidance and differing approaches of Jean, Kay and Julia it is hoped that you will gain confidence and enjoy the challenges of working in expressive ways.

For any queries about the Summer School please contact email hidden; JavaScript is required