Textile Study Group

artists and tutors sharing ideas imagination and skills

Kay Greenlees

Summer School 2012: Alchemy: Media, Materials, Ideas

Tales of the Unexpected

When Lord Blackadder asked Baldric how his experiments towards making gold were progressing, Baldric famously replied ‘I’ve made green m’lord’. For me this always summed up the alchemy involved in the creative process; in seeking one thing, we often find another. Exploring this kind of unpredictability we will begin with some structured experiments using paper and fabrics and mixed media to make a collection of samples/sketches. Working from these and collections of multiple objects – both natural and made – we will explore the way the addition of the objects to the work changes the meaning of the piece. We will try to explore an idea and gradually move from the structured starting points to develop individual interpretations in either two or three dimensions. Be prepared to draw and make marks; stitch; collage / combine and ‘invent’ ways to make experimental work that helps ‘tell a tale’.


Kay Greenlees had considerable experience in teaching art, design and textiles before moving into higher education in 1990. She is a design historian and has been Chair of the Textile Society. She regularly publishes articles and takes part in textile/ education consultancy, and is the author of ‘Creating Sketchbooks for embroiderers and textile artists’.