Textile Study Group

artists and tutors sharing ideas imagination and skills

Summer School 2012

Alchemy: Media, Materials, Ideas

textile textile textile

A residential summer school tutored by Textile Study Group members and open to everyone

Kay Greenlees
Ruth Issett
Mary Sleigh

Harper Adams University College
Edgmond, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8NB
Monday 23 – Friday 27 July 2012

Magic and mystery are promised in this year’s alchemy themed presentation. Read carefully to spot the difference between the workshops from Kay and Mary; initially sounding similar we are confident that they will turn out very differently, not least because their own work is quite distinct. One workshop has an emphasis on making – the other an emphasis on ideas. Ruth offers her own perspective on a fabulous, magical experience with colour linked very closely to your own ideas and aspirations for your work.